Gemstone & Crystal Properties

The Chi Muse

Gemstone & Crystal Properties

Agate is typically a banded stone. Agate is a translucent form of micorcrystalline quartz. There are numerous types of agates. General qualities include grounding, mental and emotional balance. Using agates helps one to develop patience. Agate crystals provide their influence at a slow and steady pace.
Astrological sign of Gemini.

Agate, Blue Lace 
Astrology – Pisces
Has a distinctive blue and white lace like pattern. It has a hardness of 7. Blue Lace Agate assists with communication, by finding your own unique voice. It helps you to awaken confidence without harshness.

Agate, Botswana
Astrology – Scorpio
Botswana Agate is purplish-grey stone, often exhibiting white circular or ovoid patterns. It helps one to look for solutions instead of focusing on the problem. Inspires creativity and resoluteness.

Agate, Fire
Astrology – Aires
This agate taps into the element of fire. Fire Agate helps one to find the inner fire of grit. This crystal can help you to make the most of your life, it helps to remove fear by striving to be the best you.

Agate, Mexican Lace (Crazy Lace Agate)
Astrology – Taurus
A stone of joy, helps to heal emotional pain, helps one to retain emotional balance.

Agate, Moss
Astrology – Virgo
This lovely green crystal contains dendritic inclusions of moss colored green minerals. Balance and stability are two main keynotes of this stone. It enhances mental concentration and persistence.

Agate, (Tree/Dendritic)
Astrology – Gemini
The green patterns formed in this crystal are reminiscent of branches. They are called dendrites. Tree agate is used to connect one with nature and the harmony and prosperity associated with it. It is also used to promote calmness.

Astrology – Virgo
It soothes the bodies energy centers. It is used for general well being.

Astrology – Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn
Amethyst is a variety of quartz. It is typically purple and can also occur in light purple, or pale lavender. It is a powerful stone for spirituality. Used for meditation, protection and assists one to free themselves of dependent states of being. Promotes sobriety.

Amethyst (Chevron)
Typically a deeper color of the purple ray. Repels negativity. Spiritual healing. Contains similar energies of Amethyst.

Astrology – Aquarius
A stone said to be useful for astral travel and spiritual journeying. Helps to raise conscious awareness. Assists one in communicating with their inner self.

Astrology – Gemini
Helps to eliminate confusion. Promotes inner balance. Useful for promoting inner clarity, reflection and to deepen meditation, Can be useful to move one into the world to share and work with others.

Astrology – Gemini, Pisces & Aires
A stone that can help to ease emotional discomfort. Helps one to connect with their intuition. Calming, promotes compassion.

Aventurine (Green)
Astrology – Aires
Considered to be a stone that fosters opportunity and “lucky chances”. Typically worn for job interviews, promotes tranquility and easing financial worries.

Astrology – Sagittarius
Assists in spiritual development. Helps one to resolve indecision. Stimulates creativity.

Astrology – Aires, Libra and Pisces

Helps one to overcome distress and anxiety.

(This list is being updated, check back for more crystal info.)